Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Reminder: Dr Faisal

(This is a rejoinder to Farzana Versey's article and her response to my post on her blog.)

I agree that the comparison was odious. But it was not unwarranted. The fate of two Faisals’, both of same ethnic origin, underpins the path the two countries have taken since partition. Your article would have been marvelous had it taken the effort to point this out to Pakistanis. Instead, you chose to deconstruct the achievements of Dr Faisal, and made it sound as if it was out of petty careerism.

The example of Dr Faisal, even if in a small way, has energized the self-image of Indian Muslims, which has been at the receiving end of negative social perception for some time now.

Even a cursory detour of the IM blogs and the urdu press; or even a random chat with the local abdul, highlights the effervescence in the community emanating from doctor’s achievement.

In short, the idolization of Rukhsana & Dr Faisal is not because they are brave or super-intelligent, which they are. It is because they had the wisdom to choose the right path.

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