Saturday, January 1, 2011

Corrupt Leadership - A Reflection of Immoral Social Consciousness

Many have been surprised by the insolence with which Congress has been rejecting the JPC demand. Every insidious trick in the book to stone-wall the 2G corruption investigation has been deployed. Be it to drown the JPC demands in the inextricable tangle of bureaucratic tape and toothless enquiries, or the attempts to discredit the corruption inquisitionists, or the invention of red herrings, or the divagation of the public attention towards the bogeyman of saffron terror. All have been used.

It is not so much that this behaviour is shocking. No! It is not. This blatant convergence of the force of the ruling class, the media, and the crony capitalists, to protect their dark and insatiable underbelly is not their first attempt at obfuscation of justice!

Nor is it surprising, that this class of people have not bothered to palliate their execrable connivance behind the sophisticated veneer of morality and the “Due process of Law”. They have not bothered about the façade this time. This time the wolf indeed is in wolf’s clothing, because the sheeps no longer care.

But it is to the credit of our corrupt leaders who so ably understand their votaries. This political class believes, and with a certain degrees of validity, that it is their core votaries, their militant constituencies, that will deny, obfuscate, defend, and even justify the fiendish plunder of Mother India. These politicians remain assured that their votaries would not question them; forget delivering a punishing verdict for such depredation.

In the present 2G loot case, the complicity of the bureaucrats, of A Raja, and of other phantasmal leaders of India, is increasingly conspicuous. Yet, the near militant obduracy by the Congress party to deflect the demands of an impartial scrutiny of the 2G scam, very putridly indicates the primeval desire to bury the truth, lest it exposes their own involvement in this grimy affair.

This blatant refusal for impartial enquiry depends on the feckless attitude of the Indian voters. It is built on the lack of outrage within an Indian voter. This refusal expects the Indian voter to be confused in the myriad of technicalities. It expects the voter to equivocate between the right and the wrong. It counts on the evaporation of the electoral judgement based on the precepts of rigid morality. This refusal counts on voters to behave as partisans, rather than as patriots.

The continued electoral impunity for the corrupt is a severe indictment on the erosion of social standards of morality and noble conduct in India. It is a foreboding sign, that while scam-artists never get punished, the incorruptible, like IFS officer Sanjiv Chaturvedi, have to suffer for their conscience. This is a signal of an affliction. Affliction so deep and minatory, that the very continuity of Individual freedom, the basis of law, and the very prospect of a sovereign India, come into question!

P.S: Here is an example of voter complicity in earnest. The individual in question is not outraged by the 2G scam. He is happy that the electoral prospects of A Raja, his party (the DMK), and their allies (the congress), are largely unmarred. He gloats at the ignorance of the lay voter, due to whom, the electoral prospects of A Raja have only increased. Presenting you the tweet by handle Dhanushm:

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Reminder: Dr Faisal

(This is a rejoinder to Farzana Versey's article and her response to my post on her blog.)

I agree that the comparison was odious. But it was not unwarranted. The fate of two Faisals’, both of same ethnic origin, underpins the path the two countries have taken since partition. Your article would have been marvelous had it taken the effort to point this out to Pakistanis. Instead, you chose to deconstruct the achievements of Dr Faisal, and made it sound as if it was out of petty careerism.

The example of Dr Faisal, even if in a small way, has energized the self-image of Indian Muslims, which has been at the receiving end of negative social perception for some time now.

Even a cursory detour of the IM blogs and the urdu press; or even a random chat with the local abdul, highlights the effervescence in the community emanating from doctor’s achievement.

In short, the idolization of Rukhsana & Dr Faisal is not because they are brave or super-intelligent, which they are. It is because they had the wisdom to choose the right path.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wailing A Kashmiri's Choice

An Article by Farzana Versey in Paktribune inspired the Bappi Adams in me. Nosh Farmaiye.

Faisal, the Kashmiri versus Faisal, the Kashmiri

My Islamist heart wails copious tears,
Wants to believe that change’s not near.
It moans the words that Faisal spoke,
That shameless, ingrate, faithless bloke.

Faisal! Rue your slavery ‘they’ will buy,
Promote you high-up to ‘Paaacify’.

You innocent, thoughtless, spineless lamb,
Can’t you see the bania’s plan,
So willing a tool in the Brahmin’s hand.

Can’t you see the hardships forced?
So what’s the challenge that you rose.

Learn from Faisal across the ‘line’,
Brave and Handsome and views Divine.
He gave his golden spoooooon away,
And lives in the penitentiary in USA.

Oh he, the Glorious martyr of faith,
So tiny you, in his shadow rake.
Never shall the Jihad die,
Mumbai, New York, Beslan pry

Adopt the ways of ‘Pure’ ‘Fair’ n ‘Tight’,
Blow a bomb on a square on Right.
That is what best represents your Fight,
Degree Vegree all so Trite.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Liberty Shiberty & Phonetapping

Yesterday Plato woofed a very interesting point about the Indian democracy। He philosophised that, “the price Indian men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by Congressmen”।

Now, to be fair to Kangressis, Plato, my rabid dog with profuse anal wisdom and sensitive political nose, was actually applying analogism on the quote of a more famous Greek namesake of his.

But is that entirely untrue?

The recent public apathy witnessed in the aftermath of the desi watergate scandal is pretty revealing in this context. Despite my shameless hindu skin, I remain amazed at the nonchalance of the Indian middle-class regarding the circumstances surrounding the phonetapping incident. Just the thing Plato was talking about.

The governmental impropriety in infringing the sanctity of the political opposition is most blatant. That’s because, the essence of a genuine democratic polity is the ‘right to organisation’ for all its dissidents. And the phone-tapping incident clearly points out the fear and the eagerness of the establishment to set these dissenters in their places.

In a political system, wherein the establishment does not shy from undermining its dissenters using immoral means, it doesn’t take too much to imagine the fate of the mango-man who is devoid of any political influence; and has had an unfortunate brush with the system.

Case point: Ruchika Girhotra. The tyranny mounted on her is indicative of vehemence which the neo-colonial system extracts on its hapless victims. It also underlines the fact that India is an autocratic police state with quasi-democratic façade that wants’ to perpetuate the interests of the ruling class.

So, in a setup where the predominant resource of the intelligence apparatus is dedicated to political intelligence (Read: espionage and covert action on opposition), we can hardly clamour about us being a liberal democracy.

As for the mango-men, we shouldn’t be protesting about the seeming unstopability of the terror attacks from now on. After all, our agency is all too hard-pressed and undermanned in eavesdropping on Advani & Karat to get distracted by the Hafiz Saeeds of the world.


To Quote Desi version of Patrick Henry: “…..I don’t know what you people may decide, but as of for me, give me dollars and give me H1B”.